1,896 research outputs found

    Public administration teaching: compared study of Portugal and Spain

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Supervised Quantum Learning without Measurements

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    We propose a quantum machine learning algorithm for efficiently solving a class of problems encoded in quantum controlled unitary operations. The central physical mechanism of the protocol is the iteration of a quantum time-delayed equation that introduces feedback in the dynamics and eliminates the necessity of intermediate measurements. The performance of the quantum algorithm is analyzed by comparing the results obtained in numerical simulations with the outcome of classical machine learning methods for the same problem. The use of time-delayed equations enhances the toolbox of the field of quantum machine learning, which may enable unprecedented applications in quantum technologies

    Urban transport and mobility, towards a sustainable and competitive urban dynamic

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    El presente artículo pretende aportar algunas ideas sobre este tema en función de la interdependencia que existe entre los usos del suelo y el transporte, considerando al primero como sinónimo de actividades urbanas y al segundo como el medio de intercambio físico entre ellas. El discurso propone un análisis de la dinámica urbana con base en tres dimensiones: la formal, la funcional y la moral, procurando asociarlas a los paradigmas de la sustentabilidad y la competitividad urbanas, tratando de relacionarlas con los procesos de globalización para satisfacer las necesidades de movilidad en la ciudad posmoderna. Finalmente, se mencionan las características que los servicios de transporte público urbano de pasajeros deberían observar para contribuir a los objetivos funcionales y ambientales en los procesos de administración de la ciudad.A lo largo de la historia el hombre ha buscado formas diversas de transporte para realizar sus desplazamientos de manera más eficiente y confortable; en tal sentido, la evolución de los medios de transporte y la infraestructura física sobre la que discurren juegan un papel fundamental en la eficiencia y la eficacia de la movilidad de la población y sus bienes. El transporte urbano es un componente de la dimensión funcional de la ciudad y, junto con los usos del suelo, condiciona la manera en que se llevan cabo las actividades urbanas. En su conjunto, este fenómeno es conocido como “dinámica urbana”

    Evaluating the reproductive ability of breeding rams in North-Eastern Spain using clinical examination of the body and external genitalia

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    Background Predicting the ability of rams to detect, mate and fertilise ewes in oestrus accurately is certainly difficult; however, tests based on clinical examinations have been performed to assess the overall potential capacity of rams to serve and impregnate ewes. Clinical examinations for breeding soundness evaluation were carried out in 897 Rasa Aragonesa (RA) rams from 35 flocks in North-Eastern (NE) Spain. Clinical examinations of head, trunk, limbs and genitals were performed in each ram. Blood samples were collected for a serological study of Brucella ovis. The sheep owners were surveyed regarding the characteristics of the flock, rams’ health history and the management of rams. The clinical alterations found were classified according to severity (mild or severe). Rams were classified as suitable (without lesions or with only mild lesions) or unsuitable (with severe lesions) for breeding depending on the results of the clinical examinations. Results The results showed that 60.6 % of rams presented some type of alteration (mild: 43.3 %; severe: 17.3 %) in various body parts (genitalia: 31.6 %; head and trunk: 37.2 %; limbs: 15.5 %), and that 16.7 % of rams were classified as unsuitable breeders. The most common genital alterations were ulcerative posthitis (18.7 %) followed by testicular lesions (5.3 %). The highest prevalence of unsuitable breeders was found in the category of adult and aged rams (13.8 % and 37.4 %, respectively) and in the category of emaciated rams (33.3 %). All rams examined were seronegative to Brucella ovis. The mean percentage of rams in flocks was 2.8 % (min: 1.6 %; max: 4.6 %); nevertheless, this percentage dropped to 2.5 % (min: 1.4 %; max: 3.7 %) and 2.1 % (min: 0.3 %; max: 3.5 %) when only suitable or effective (suitable mature) rams were considered. Conclusion Thus, it is concluded that there are fewer effective rams in farms than farmers realise. Frequent clinical examination of males is recommended in order to identify potentially infertile rams.Publishe

    Preparation and Structural Characterization of Metallophthalocyanine Particles Embedded in a Polymer Matrix

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    In this work, thin-film deposition of FePc particles nucleated and grown in gels was carried out in air by spin coating. The surface morphology and structure of these films were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The optical parameters have been investigated using spectrophotometric measurements of transmittance in the wavelength range of 200–1100 nm. The absorption spectra recorded in the UV-Vis region for the deposited samples showed a single band, namely the B or Soret band in the region between 285 and 305 nm. The dependence of the Tauc and Cody optical gaps associated with the thickness of the film was determined and found to be around 4.2 eV from direct transitions and 3.8 eV from non-direct transitions. The films’ electric properties and their dependence in the presence of radiation of several wavelengths were evaluated. At lower voltages, ohmic conduction is evident, while space-charge limited conductivity (SCLC) governed by an exponential trap distribution is to be found at higher voltages

    A comparative study of an ad libitum integral feeding system and other conventional system with ad libitum forage and concentrate on ration separately in Rasa Aragonesa ewes

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    En una explotación semiextensiva de Rasa Aragonesa, 64 ovejas con sus corderos de parto simple fueron distribuidas aleatoriamente en dos grupos tras el parto de acuerdo a dos sistemas de alimentación: un sistema integral ad libitum en forma de paca, 50% paja, 50% concentrado (grupo RUM), frente a otro convencional con paja de cereal ad libitum y por separado el mismo concentrado racionado dos veces al día (grupo FORR+CONCE). A los corderos se les proporcionó harina de iniciación y pienso de arranque. La experiencia duró desde el parto hasta el destete (43±3 d) y los consumos ad libitum del lote RUM fueron de 1,8 kg de MF oveja/día y de 1,73 kg (paja y concentrado) en el lote FORR+CONCE, resultando en la práctica equivalentes nutricionalmente. Los corderos del lote RUM tendieron a presentar una mayor ganancia media diaria (214 vs. 196 g/día; P<0,07) y una mortalidad menor (3,1% vs 12,5%), aunque no significativas. Respecto al efecto de la movilización de reservas de las ovejas, el lote RUM redujo 1 kg su peso vivo frente a 2,2 kg el lote FORR+CONCE. El coste bruto de la alimentación (sin valorar la mano de obra) en lote RUM fue +0,056 €/oveja/día, pero si se incluye el efecto de movilización de reservas se reduce a +0,030 y si se incorpora el efecto mortalidad corderos queda finalmente en -0,079 €/oveja/díaIn a semi-extensive farm of Rasa Aragonesa breed, sixty four single lambs and their dams were randomly allocated in two groups according to two feeding systems: an integral feeding system ad libitum in form of bales (50% straw, 50% concentrate) (group RUM) was compared to a convencional system (group FORR+CONCE) receiving equal amount of concentrate twice a day and straw ad libitum. Lambs had free access to starter flour and concentrate. The study was performed from birth to weaning (43±3), RUM intake ad libitum and FORR+CONCE intake (straw and concentrate) were 1.8 and 1.73 kg FM ewe/d respectively, similar nutritional facts. RUM lambs tended to show a greater daily gain had a tendency to greater daily gain (214 vs. 196 g/d; P<0.07) and the lower mortality (3.1% vs. 12.5%), although significance was not achieved. Respect to the evolution of body weight, RUM and FORR+CONCE groups decreased 1 and 2,2 kg respectively. The integral feeding gross cost (without labour cost) was higher in RUM group +0.056 €/ ewe/d, however, valuing body weight decreases to +0.030 and finally including lamb mortality was -0.079 €/ ewe/d.Al Centro de Transferencias Agroalimentarias del Departamento de Agricultura y Alimentación del Gobierno de Aragón que ha financiado parte del proyecto que incluye este estudio DER- 2009-02-50-720205-55

    Clinical and therapeutic characteristics of patients with dental emergencies of dental origin

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    Introducción: a las clínicas dentales acuden diariamente pacientes con urgencias estomatológicas, en este sentido se hace indispensable un análisis exhaustivo sobre el tema para un mejor dominio y control de las mismas.Objetivo: describir las características clínicas y terapéuticas de los pacientes con urgencias estomatológicas de origen dental atendidos en la consulta de urgencias del Policlínico Docente Norte “Diego del Rosario” del municipio de Morón, provincia Ciego de Ávila.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en pacientes atendidos en la institución antes mencionada, durante el período comprendido entre enero del 2021 a enero del 2022. Se trabajó con la totalidad del universo, constituido por 122 pacientes. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Como medida de resumen de la información se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales.Resultados: existió predominio del sexo femenino y del grupo de edades de 35-59 años. El 45,9 % de los pacientes acudieron a consulta refiriendo dolor. Los procesos pulpares y periapicales estuvieron presentes en 74 de los casos. Se observó que la sedación pulpar fue el tratamiento terapéutico de elección, realizado en 57 urgencias para un 40,4 %.Conclusiones: se identificó a los procesos pulpares y periapicales como el tipo de urgencia estomatológica de mayor predominio, de ellos, el absceso dentoalveolar agudo estuvo presente en la mayoría de los pacientes. La sedación pulpar fue el tratamiento terapéutico de elección.Introduction: dental clinics are daily visited by patients with stomatological emergencies, in this sense, an exhaustive analysis on this subject is indispensable for a better control and control of them.Objective: to describe the clinical and therapeutic characteristics of patients with stomatological emergencies of dental origin seen in the emergency clinic of the Policlínico Docente Norte "Diego del Rosario" of the municipality of Morón, Ciego de Avila province.Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out on patients seen in the aforementioned institution, during the period from January 2021 to January 2022. We worked with the totality of the universe, constituted by 122 patients. Descriptive statistics were used. Absolute and relative percentage frequencies were used to summarize the information.Results: there was a predominance of female sex (59,0 %) and of the 35-59 years age group (55,7 %). Pain was reported in 45,9 % of the patients. Pulpal and periapical processes were present in 74 (52,5%) of the cases. It was observed that pulp sedation was the therapeutic treatment of choice, performed in 57 emergencies representing 40,4 %.Conclusions: Pulpal and periapical processes were identified as the most predominant type of stomatological emergency, of which acute dentoalveolar abscess was present in most patients. Pulp sedation was the therapeutic treatment of choice